
WRESTLING RECAP: Breaking down WWE Smackdown from 04/09/15

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( - This episode of Smackdown, on April 9, 2015, was actually pretty decent. The show started off pretty high energy, got kind of dull towards the middle of the match, then ended pretty well.  Here are the highlights of the show:

AirDate: Thursday, April 9, 2015
Location: Dallas, TX
Commentators:  Jerry "The King" Lawler, Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips

  • Intercontinental Champion Daniel Bryan kicks off Smackdown & hits the ring
    1. Talks about his recent dealings and disrespect at the hands of Sheamus and Bad New Barrett (BNB)
    2. BNB comes out and brags on knocking out Bryan
    3. Sheamus comes out and calls Bryan an insect
    4. "You Look Stupid" chants from the crowd at Sheamus
    5. Sheamus and BNB say they will beat up little Bryan and approaches the ring
    6. Dolph Ziggler comes out and back Bryan for a 2 on 2 Tag Team match
    7. The Big Show comes out and says he wants to beat up on little people as well
    8. Roman Reigns comes out and even the odds
    9. The Big Show, BNB & Sheamus all runs out the ring after being attacked by the 3 small guys

  • Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd VS The New Day
    1. The New Day gets booed hard
    2. "New Day Sucks" chants
    3. Big E demands everyone gets up and clap with them
    4. "New Day Sucks" claps all throughout the arena
    5. Big E states that something has to change
    6. Decent pace and decent ring energy match
    7. Gut wrench suplex from Cesaro on Big E was impressive
    8. Great tag team tandem maneuvers all throughout the match
    9. Crowd negative chants throws Kofi's concentration off allows the tag champs to retain their belt
    10. 9 out of 10 for this match
Recap of how the heavyweight championship at Extreme Rules Pay Per View came about
  • Curtis Axel VS Neville
    1. "Axelmania" plug
    2. "NXT" chants
    3. Cruiser weight division definitely needed
    4. Red Arrow finisher from Neville wins the match for him
    5. 8 out of 10 for this match


Cutaway:  Natalya, Cameron and Alicia Foxx interviews to showcase the dislike between the Divas
    • Nat and Foxx pushes on each other and ends up fighting
    • Cameron gets in between until they are seperated
  • Natalya VS Alicia Foxx with Cameron as referee
    1. Crowd into the match at the beginning 
    2. Match starts off faced paced and progressively gets slower paced
    3. Sharp shooter finisher gives Nat the win
    4. 7 out of 10 for the match
    5. Cameron DDTs both tired competitors after the match
Bray Wyatt speaks on Erick Rowan and how he will destroy Rowan
  • Wyatt VS Rowan
    1. Slow paced match
    2. Crowd not really into the match at all
    3. Wyatt wins a a lackluster match
    4. 6 out of 10 for the match
The Miz plugs his new movie "The Marine 4" on Miz TV 
    1. Summer Rae interrupts and reminds Miz that they both starred in the movie
    2. Miz and Rae throw insults back and forth
    3. Rae mentions that Mizdow was a bigger star than Miz
    4. Miz blames WWE Universe for ruining Mizdow
    5. Mizdow heads to ring
    6. Miz tells Mizdow to apologize and he will accept him back
    7. Mizdow attacks Miz and Miz leaves the ring
    8. Mizdow kisses Summer Rae
  • Sheamus/The Big Show/BNB VS Daniel Byran/Roman Reigns/Dolph Ziggler
    1.  Decent match
    2. Great showcasing of the bigger competitors strength and power
    3. Many power moves wowed the crowd
    4. Great response for Reigns win he finally was tagged into the match
    5. Reigns spears BNB for the win
    6. 8 out of 10 for the match


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