
WRESTLING RECAP: Breaking down WWE Smackdown from 06/18/15

Playtime Cares

( - The Money in the Bank (MitB) Pay Per View (PPV) was a few days ago, and eyes are already looking forward to the next PPV.  The next PPV will be Battleground in a few weeks. This particular SmackDown episode was decent, but didn't do much to add to the anticipation of the upcoming PPV.

Some things I still need to happen in the WWE Universe:

  1. Bring back the Cruiser Weight Division
  2. Make all the matches mean something to some sort of belt or rivalry.  
  3. Show more of the roster.  You guys recycle the same talent too much.
  4. You may wish to consider bringing the Diva's division full circle and have them with Tag Title belts, lightweight belts, etc.
  5. The Tag Team Division is starting to look better than the singles division.  Get more people graduated from NXT and get that division showcased more.

Here are the highlights of the show:

AirDate: Thursday, June 18, 2015
Location: Buffalo, NY
Commentators:  Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Sheamus goes to the ring

  1. Money in the Bank (MitB) contract ladder match recap
  2. Recap of RAW incident between Sheamus and Randy Orton
  3. Says no one will stop him from being the champ again
  4. Dean Ambrose comes out and says that he has already beaten Sheamus
  5. Sheamus tells Ambrose to come take the contract briefcase from him
  6. Kane comes to the ring ans tells Ambrose he is in a 2 on 1 handicap match with Kane and Sheamus  
  • Kane and Sheamus VS Dean Ambrose
    1. Quick match
    2. Number's game was too much for Ambrose
    3. Roman Reigns music hits and he attacks Kane from behind
    4. Kane & Sheamus wins via DQ
    5. 7 out of 10 for this match
MitB Heavyweight Championship ladder match recap

  • Paige VS Brie Bella
    1. RAW recap of Paige VS Bella Twins
    2. Slow match
    3. Minor action
    4. Alicia Fox interferes and Brie got the pin victory
    5. Alica Fox accepts Bella clothes/outfit/gear
    6. 6 out of 10 for the match


    MitB recap of John Cena VS Kevin Owens

    RAW recap of Machine Gun Kelly getting power bombed of the stage by Kevin Owens

    Renee interviews Kevin Owens about the Machine Gun Kelly incident. Owens said Kelly touched him first. Cesaro comes out and ask for a match tonight, then puts his hands on Owens' shoulder

    RAW recap of Lana's injury trying to get away from Rusev exclusive footage of Lana giving and interview and Rusev begging for her to comeback to no avail

    • Dolph Ziggler with Lana VS Bo Dallas
      1. Bo tells Lana she needs to find a real man and drop a rebound of a man like Ziggler
      2. Quick match
      3. Ziggler wins
      4. 7 out of 10 for the match

    Tough Enough preview to show final contestants

    • Xavier Woods VS Neville
      1. Decent action 
      2. The New Day interence caused the Prime Time Players to assist Neville
      3. The New Day and Prime Time Players fight outside the ring while Neville picks up a win
      4. 7 out of 10 for the match

      Seth Rollins comes to the ring
      1. RAW recap of HHH letting Rollins know that he has to face Brock Lesnar at the Battleground PPV
      2. Rollins admits that he was surprised that Lesnar was picked as his opponent
      3. Rollins behooves you not to underestimate his chances
      4. Rollins says he can't wait to fight Brock Lesnar

      • NXT Heavyweight Champion Kevin Owens VS Cesaro
        1. Many high risk moves done
        2. Good action
        3. Many creative moves done to each other
        4. One mistake by Cesaro lead to a pop-up power bomb
        5. Kevin Owens wins
        6. 8 out of 10 for the match
      Dusty Rhodes tribute video

      • Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose VS Sheamus & Kane
        1. Good action
        2. Ambrose is still nursing his knee injury from the last PPV
        3. Crowd really into the match
        4. Bray Wyatt appears on the jumbo-tron and causes Reigns to lose focus
        5. Sheamus gives Reigns a kick to the face for the win
        6. Bray tells Reigns to watch his family
        7. 8 out of 10 for the match


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