
WRESTLING RECAP: Playtime Williams breaks down WWE Raw from 06/22/15

Playtime Cares

( - Pay Per View (PPV) Battleground (BG) is in 4 weeks. It is time to get things rolling to get interest in the next big event.  This particular Monday's episode played it safe, and was kind of predictable. There were a few decent moments overall.

Some things I still need to happen in the WWE Universe:

  1. Bring back the Cruiser Weight Division
  2. Make all the matches mean something to some sort of belt or rivalry.  
  3. Show more of the roster.  You guys recycle the same talent too much.
  4. You may wish to consider bringing the Diva's division full circle and have them with Tag Title belts, lightweight belts, etc. 
  5. The Tag Team Division is starting to look better than the singles division.  Get more people graduated from NXT and get that division showcased more. 

Here are the highlights of the show:

AirDate: Monday, June 22, 2015
Location: Indianapolis, IN 
Commentators:  JBL, Micheal Cole and Byron Saxton

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman comes to the ring
  1. Last week RAW Recap leading to Lesnar's return
  2. 3 months ago RAW Recap of Lesnar getting suspended
  3. Heyman says Lesnar has to publicly analogize for his actions 3 months ago
  4. "No" & "Suplex City" chants
  5. Lesnar personally apologizes to JBL and Micheal Cole face to face
  6. Heyman says Lesnar will hurt Rollins in a month at Battleground (BG) Pay Per View (PPV)

  • Dean Ambrose VS Kane
    1. Kane dominated most of the match
    2. When it looked like Ambrose may get the upper hand, Seth Rollins comoes out
    3. Kane gets the win via the distraction provided by Rollins
    4. 7 out of 10 for the match
Money in the Bank PPV recap of John Cena VS Kevin Owens

Seth Rollins tells Kane that they need to squash the beef between them.  Kane says Rollins only wants the beef squashed because he wants help with Brock Lesnar.

Recap of dispute between Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns

    • Prime Time Players VS The Ascension
      1. Titus O'Neil Celebrity Mega Dad of the Year recap
      2. Decent match
      3. Decent action
      4. Prime Time Players get a pin victory
      5. 7 out of 10 for the match 
      6. Sheamus does not allow Prime Time Players to celebrate long and comes to the ring while they are still in it

      • Sheamus VS Roman Reigns 
        1. Back and forth action
        2. Long match
        3. "Lets Go Roman" chants
        4. Wyatt appears on the Jumbotron having a tea party with a child
        5. Wyatt tells Reigns to come find him
        6. Reigns runs outs the ring to the back stage area
        7. Camera reveals that Wyatt is talking to an empty rocking chair that is moving by itself
        8. No contest
        9. 7 out of 10 for this match


      Roman Reigns finds a makeshift shrine of sorts to him entitled "Anyone but you" made by Bray Wyatt in the backstage area.

      Rollins tries to convince J & J Security that they need to move forward as a family and team.  No sale.  

      • Neville VS Kofi Kingston with The New Day ringside
        1. "New Day Suck" chants
        2. Match not long enough
        3. Cruiser weight division showcase
        4. The New Day keeps going around Neville, so the Prime Time Players comes out
        5. The ref sends the Prime Time Players to the back, then The New Day to the back as well 
        6. Neville picks up a pin victory off the confusion
        7. 7 out of 10 for the match

      • King Barrett VS Zach Ryder
        1. A tune up match for something bigger for Barrett
        2. Easy pin victory for Barrett
        3. 7 out of 10 for the match exclusive interview with Kevin Owens

      John Cena comes to the ring and talks about his match with Kevin Owens.  Kevin Owens comes out and states that Cena never agreed to put his U.S. Championship on the line at the BG PPV.  Cena agrees to put up the U.S. Championship.

      Seth Rollins approaches Stephanie and HHH so he convince them to have Kane and J & J Security back in his corner.  HHH says Rollins needs to go to the ring and apologize to them.

        • The Bella Twins with Alicia Fox VS Naomi and Tamina
          1. Recap of Alicia joining Team Bella
          2. Suspicious interference from the referee on Tamina
          3. Naomi and Tamina never fully recovered from the ref's interference
          4. Twins win
          5. 7 out of 10 for the match

        • Mark Henry VS Intercontinental Champion Ryback (non-title match)
          1. Good power match
          2. Surprising move from Ryback to end the match - top rop frog splash
          3. Pin victory for Ryback
          4. 8 out of 10 for the match
        Jojo interviews Ryback about the BG PPV announcement that his Intercontinental Championship match will be a Triple Threat match.  Ryback says he isn't worried about the Big Show or The Miz.  The Big Show interrupts the interview and a fight ensues with Ryback getting the best of the action.

        • Dolph Ziggler w/Lana VS Adam Rose w/Rosa
          1. Adam tells Dolph that what Rosa and Adam has is real love
          2. Decent match
          3. After a well timed super kick, Dolph gets a pin victory
          4. 7 out of 10 for the match
        Dolph and Lana kisses after the match, and Rusev throws his crutches and falls.  Summer Rae gives Rusev a crutch and tells him that Lana isn't worth it.

        HHH and Steph explains how hard it is being the WWE Heavyweight Champion to J & J Security and Kane.  HHH wants them to at least hear Rollins' apology.

        Seth Rollins comes to the ring
        1. Rollins says he wants to apologize to Kane and J & J Security individually
        2. Kane and J & J Security comes to the ring
        3. Rollins says a team is only as good as its foundation and says that Kane and J & J Security are his foundation
        4. "Suplex City" chants
        5. Rollins apologizes individually 
        6. "Justin Bieber" chants
        7. "You Sold Out" chants
        8. Rollins ask for them to please take him back
        9. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman comes to the ring
        10. Kane and J & J Security leaves the ring
        11. While Lesnar locks his eyes on Rollins, Kane attacks Lesnar from behind, and J & J Security follows suit
        12. Lesnar fights them all off
        13. Lesnar gets in the ring and Rollins attacks him
        14. Lesnar gives him a suplex, then another suplex
        15. "One More Time" chants
        16. Lesnar gives Rollins another suplex
        17. Lesnar picks up Rollins and puts him on his shoulders to deliver an F5 finishing move
        18. Kane gets to him before he can follow through with the F5 and puts Lesnar in position for a chokeslam
        19. Lesnar breaks free, but eventually the numbers game gets the best of Lesnar
        20. They all repetitively attacks Lesnar's knee in a variety of ways, including a steel chair smash
        21. After several attacks to Lesnar, Rollins delivers the Pedigree finishing maneuver of Lesnar


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