
MOVIE PREVIEW: "Norm of the North" - Should you go South?

Playtime Cares

Last updated:  January 15, 2016

Originally published:  January 14, 2016

( - I received an invite to see a film called "Norm of the North," and I saw that not only is Ken Jeong of "Hangover" fame was in it, but an old favorite of mine, Rob Schneider, was in it as well.  All I could hear was "You can do it," so I was ready to take on this film.

I was given the following synopsis of the movie:

A polar bear of many words, Norm’s greatest gripe is simple: there is no room for tourists in the Arctic. But when a maniacal developer threatens to build luxury condos in his own backyard, Norm does what all normal polar bears would do...he heads to New York City to stop it. With a cast of ragtag lemmings at his side, Norm takes on the big apple, big business and a big identity crisis to save the day.
Sound like a decent enough premise...time to take a look at the trailer:

I will spare the suspense: I almost feel like apologizing to my daughters for taking them to see this film.  This, at best, is a Redbox Rental.

My full thoughts here:

Enough about me and my thoughts of the film, since the theater was full of people to see this.  What did others think of the film?  Well, here are their thoughts:

A family representative chimes in on this film:

This duo give their thoughts:

Xela shares:

Lorin keeps it real:

Reviewer compilation:


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