
Trending Now: Sorry Black boys - When being racist online backfires!

Playtime Cares
Kelsey Reynolds - Victim of race unification online

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Last updated:  December 19, 2015

Originally published:  September 18, 2015

Sometimes people like to post racist things online just for attention and support.  For one Twitter user, @KelseyReynolds, she got support that she wasn't necessarily expecting.  Actually, her post got her ridiculed so harshly that she cancelled her twitter account.

Ahhh...the tricky internet is unforgiving though!  Someone opened up the account with her name, and posted her picture and exact post on the account to allow for more people to roast her.  The results are hilarious!

Miss Reynolds had the opposite affect and effect than most racial trolling and tirades inspire on the internet to everyone's delight.  This young lady actually unified all races, religions and more on a common goal of denial of this young lady sexiness.

Read all the responses this young lady yielded, and as always, if you have more to add, send it to

 In no particular order - Enjoy


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